
Impact protection for accident simulators

Industrial Shock Absorbers MA/ML33 to MA/ML64
MAGNUM dampers ensure the reliable braking of moving masses on the seat and the protection of the entire carriage construction Copyright: Central Hessian Police Department, Karl-Glöckner-Straße 2, 35394 Gießen, Germany
electro-mechanical drives, vehicle technology, aircraft and car testing stations , linear slides, emergency stop damping in linear axes

Increased impact protection in accident simulators thanks to adjustable MAGNUM dampers

The Central-Hessian police department has developed an accident simulator with the help of ACE aimed at significantly increasing the number of road traffic seatbelt wearers. The mobile simulator demonstrates strikingly that the smallest impact velocities lead to enormous forces, even when wearing seat belts, and can cause serious injuries when not. ACE's MA64150 adjustable industrial shock absorbers are installed to protect the simulator passengers and the end points of the construction at various speeds and moving masses. This is the largest adjustable damper in the MAGNUM MA33 to MA64 product family. Stronger special constructions are possible at any time.

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