
Protective structures for treadmill drives in space research

Profile Dampers TUBUS TS
TUBUS are used to protect a fitness machine in zero gravity Copyright: QinetiQ Space nv, 9150 Kruibeke, Belgium
test stations, handling modules, machines and plants, medical technology, air and space travel

Innovative damping system to protect the drive of a space treadmill in weightlessness

When training in zero gravity, a harness with bungee cords is used to ensure that trainees do not become disengaged. Three ACE profile dampers with a linear-working facility are utilized in this case. One so-called TUBUS is positioned in the pneumatic cylinder, while the other two are put in place in the rest of the system. All the dampers have the task of protecting the system if the treadmill drive belts become damaged. Otherwise, the cylinder would reach a very high speed and become seriously damaged at the end of the stroke.

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